CANSTAR GENERAL TRADING is a Professional Global Organization with operation dating back to 1998.
Actively doing business with over 19 - Countries.
Our major business contacts are in North and Central and Middle North East.
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Air Conditioner

Solar AC
   Solar AC - CGR35SW
   Solar AC - CGR50SW
   Solar Panel

Split AC
   Split AC - CGBS25SA
   Split AC - CGBS26SA

Window AC
   Window AC - CGAS25WA
   Window AC - CGAS26WA
Air Conditioner - Solar AC

Solar AC - CG R50SW Install the removal parts in reverse order of removal procedure.The tightening torque for the bolt used to install the expantion valve on the evaporator is shown below.Using a gas leak tester, check for leakage of refriger Remove the 2 clips and the heater protector.Disconnect the water hose from the heater radiator pipe.Remove the bolt and the water valve Push the water hose onto the heater radiator pipe as far as rigs on the pipe and install the hose clip. Install water valve with the bolt.

Air Conditioner

Star Rated Hi-Wall


Solar AC - CG R50SWAn important part of the project was the preparation of dissemination material for decision makers and building professionals. User guidelines were prepared on each of the available heatdriven cooling technologies and its application to solar assisted cooling. The guidelines identify future research and development needs and set priorities for researchers and policy makers in the field of solar energy and air conditioning. Practical information for building professionals, such as engineers, architects, building owners, planners and consultants, is also included.


1. E ­ Saver mode 2. Auto Cleaning
3. Low Noise 4. Jet Cool
5. Auto Swing 6. Filters: Anti Dust
7. Fin: Active Carbon 8. Copper tubes: Hydrophilic Aluminum
9. Remote: LED Display
                    Auto Restart
                    LCD Display
                    Sleep mode Air Vent
                    Cross flow Vane for less noise
10. IDU Inner Groove
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