CANSTAR GENERAL TRADING is a Professional Global Organization with operation dating back to 1998.
Actively doing business with over 19 - Countries.
Our major business contacts are in North and Central and Middle North East.
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Air Conditioner

Solar AC
   Solar AC - CGR35SW
   Solar AC - CGR50SW
   Solar Panel

Split AC
   Split AC - CGBS25SA
   Split AC - CGBS26SA

Window AC
   Window AC - CGAS25WA
   Window AC - CGAS26WA
Air Conditioner - Window AC

Window AC - CG AS25WA This product is specially designed keeping in mind the dual functionality of the AC which can give you heating as and when the weather demands. These ACs work intelligently giving you most comfortable air in every season and cut down your electricity bill compare to convector. What more can you ask for?

Air Conditioner

Star Rated Hi-Wall


example1Canstar General offers an Anti Bacterial Filter which ensures a healthy surrounding. You can display the room temperature and set the desired temperature simultaneously. Its also Low on power, High on savings. You can even program your AC to sleep mode which allows undisturbed sleep.This is actually good news because for years it was against the law to service your own air conditioning system without a license. Now that the refrigerant is safer, we can all work on our own A/C systems again.


1. E ­ Saver mode 2. Auto Cleaning
3. Low Noise 4. Jet Cool
5. Auto Swing 6. Filters: Anti Dust
7. Fin: Active Carbon 8. Copper tubes: Hydrophilic Aluminum
9. Remote: LED Display
                    Auto Restart
                    LCD Display
                    Sleep mode Air Vent
                    Cross flow Vane for less noise
10. IDU Inner Groove
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