CANSTAR GENERAL TRADING is a Professional Global Organization with operation dating back to 1998.
Actively doing business with over 19 - Countries.
Our major business contacts are in North and Central and Middle North East.
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Air Conditioner

Solar AC
   Solar AC - CGR35SW
   Solar AC - CGR50SW
   Solar Panel

Split AC
   Split AC - CGBS25SA
   Split AC - CGBS26SA

Window AC
   Window AC - CGAS25WA
   Window AC - CGAS26WA
Air Conditioner - Window AC

Window AC - CGAS26WACG AS26WA prevents corrosion to make the AC last a lifetime. It maintains a comfortable temperature during the night. It's also Low on power, High on savings. It also restarts the AC with previous setting.

The feature of the AC to automatically set pace either change in human body metabolism at night. This means that the set temperature increases at the rate of 1°C every one hour up to 2°C every 2 hour,ensuring that one does not feel too cold at night. Apart from providing optimum comfort, this feature also enables signification power saving.

Air Conditioner

Star Rated Hi-Wall


Window AC - CGAS26WAThis Canstar General comes with the grill less front panel with elegant design. What makes it even more desirable is the features like personal mode , filter cleaning indicator to make life more convenient and tension free. Just sit back and enjoy the cooling while others wonder where the AC is.

Mastermind Controller in the indoor unit detects the error through a micro-processor chip and displays it on the LED display automatically. So that the service engineer quickly and clearly knows what’s wrong and needs to be fixed.


1. E ­ Saver mode 2. Auto Cleaning
3. Low Noise 4. Jet Cool
5. Auto Swing 6. Filters: Anti Dust
7. Fin: Active Carbon 8. Copper tubes: Hydrophilic Aluminum
9. Remote: LED Display
                    Auto Restart
                    LCD Display
                    Sleep mode Air Vent
                    Cross flow Vane for less noise
10. IDU Inner Groove
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